A perfect day in Notting Hill

Posted February 17, 2020

 by Mackenzie Sumner – Astor Kensington

Notting Hill is for the Romantics: an eclectic cluster of pastel buildings, various souvenir shops, and leafy-tree lined streets make this neighborhood the perfect destination for any eccentric traveller.

The main attraction found within this small borough is Portobello Road. A colorful road beloved by generations of bohemians filled with antique stores, artisan patisseries and independent fashion boutiques. Beginning just opposite Notting Hill Gate, travellers are immediately greeted by a famed Banksy artwork, encased in a glass just above a balcony. Further down the road, George Orwell’s own home in which he lived during the publication of 1984 is found.




Saturday is Portobello’s defining day; the market operates every weekend through every season. The stalls that seem to endlessly line the street range from the rarest of vintage fashion and vinyl to incredible food kiosks dominated by its passionate Caribbean and Spanish influence. After grabbing some food, feel free to wander into The Grocer on Elgin for a great coffee, or the Duke of Wellington for a pint. The evening can always be concluded with a new release shown at the iconic Electric Cinema, a venue that has been the heart and soul of cinema in Notting Hill since 1910.




Lastly, one could not complete their ultimate Notting Hill experience without hunting down the locations featured in the iconic 90’s film of the same name. Situated on Blenheim Crescent is the famous Notting Hill Bookshop, featured throughout the movie, and the distinctive blue door is located on Westbourne Park Road -a five-minute walk from Portobello.




Notting Hill is a vibrant bubble secluded in West London. Immortalised by pop culture, there are endless opportunities to entertain oneself. From food and fashion to street art and performance, there is a real bohemian spirit that still lingers for us to enjoy.